Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Stocks of interest and change to Yahoo finance for chart shapshots


Do not use google finance because it does not give the over all picture of the chart. Yahoo finance is the best because it gives a small picture of the stocks. This is very useful tool as it gives the present situation in a snapshot.

When there is a correction and when the ARHM is near the 30 day average, purchase the stock.
JOBS had a large volume change that moved the stock from 30 to 36. That is a very positive sign of the stock moving even further up into mid forties.

By not looking at the chart patterns in a snap shot I missed out on many major moves. Like JOBS. Even if one manages to get in between the rally that would be very profitable. So it is vital that I watch the charts as a small pic along with the portfolio. A small mistake like this can cost me thousands of dollars.

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