Thursday, April 7, 2011

Love and Grace

Love and Grace of God

I see your grace in the warmth and light of the morning sun
Love and grace of you Oh Supreme being;

I adore you Oh Lord;
Giver of inner happiness.

My life is one day of consciousness
broken by several earthly nights
Each earth day an opportunity
of advance and union and adoration.

When I see light of the sun
I adore you.
Without the sun is anything possible on earth?
Creator of the cosmos
Sun is love, Sun is light, Sun is grace
It is a dream that our life on earth
is so perfect and life at all is possible.

I meditate on your love and grace
Inevitably you pull me deeper and deeper
Sweetness drips into me like honey into lips

Everything on earth responds to the Sun
you are the breath of life to every leaf and flower on earth

Those human beings who forget your grace are unhappy;
In simplest things that we take for granted
there is incredible grace.
Why should the Sun appear at all?
But he does, what a wonder!
Is it not a act of love and grace?

The more I recognize your acts of love and grace
the happier I become.
Love and grace of God
Love and grace of the Divine

Those who are absorbed about themselves
worried about their happiness
do not see your acts of love and grace;
they take things for granted
and seek things beyond their scope in external world;
Unhappy are they who do not appreciate you.

Maker of the cosmos,
wonderful galaxies and unknown worlds
I see you in the Sun.
It is said that you are brighter than a thousand suns;
Love and Grace of the Divine.

I see your love in the smile of the child;
In the love laden lick of my dog;
In the pleasant breeze touching my cheek;

Love and Grace of God.
Loving you leads to bliss.
Your consciousness is bliss.

To meditate on your love and grace
is the easiest way to taste your bliss.

Love and Grace of God
There is certainty in your love
as opposed to worldly joys.

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